Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Acheulean technology Essay

The Oldowan technology is referred to as Mode 1, preceding the Mode 2 Acheulean technology. The latter implies that it is more advanced and more sophisticated than the former. Mode 1 technology only refers to simple hand tools which include choppers, scrapers, awls and woodworking tools. On the other hand, Mode 2 technology was the â€Å"retouched† and reworked Mode 1 tools. This ensures that their tools were more symmetrical making it effective and useful for its purpose It has been an argument on whether the ergaster was to be considered as a different taxon since some researchers claim that they feature â€Å"different† characteristics from other Homo taxons and also associates them as the direct ancestor of humans. KNM-ER 3733 and KNM-ER 992 are some ergaster specimen that were found. These specimens show no significant difference from other homo taxon to qualify it as a new species. Researchers still support Homo erectus as the closer ancestor of modern humans and that the ergaster are â€Å"H. erectus from Africa† The Turkana Boy was a significant find since it provides evidences of evolution of humans. By studying its morphology, scientists found out that the Turkana boy exhibits the possibility of having its own language and also how modern humans evolved traits from it. Bipedalism, brain volume, size of canines and inner ear bones are some features shared by Australopithecus and Homo sp. This suggests that they share a common ancestor. Works Cited http://www. archaeologyinfo. com/homoergaster. htm http://www. crystalinks. com/turkanaboy. html http://www. ecotao. com/holism/hu_austral. htm http://www. crystalinks. com/Oldowan. html

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Company Policy for S-S Technology

Recruitment Policy Purpose To ensure that required staffs are appointed at required interval for S-S Technology. Responsibility Relevant department manager shall responsible to submit staff requisition form upon staff requirement. HER manager shall review and arrange for recruitment as per requested Information. Procedure When staff requirement request from concerned department manager who shall complete the staff requisition form and submit to HER. HER shall review and take approval from management for initiating recruitment process.HER shall make vacancy announcement as appropriate ways such as Journals, newspaper, notices, etc and collect applicant's C.V.. HER manager shall review collected C.V. and inform to applicants as appropriate ways for Interview. Interviewee or candidate shall fill application Issued by their selves. HER shall conduct the Interview and make decision for appointment for interview. HER. Related manager and GM shall make interview for selected candidates. HER shall submit to management to get approval of new appointment. After selected candidate, HER shall fill record, personal data, and agreement on S-S Technology rules.HER shall explain to new staff the S-S Technology rules detail and other requirements. Provisional period shall be defined as three months but It can be varied based on the assessment of department manager. If the performance of staff is found to be satisfactory after provisional period, department manager shall inform to HER for permanently appointment by appropriate way. HER manager shall issue permanent appointment letter after getting approval from management and inform to finance. HER staff shall keep all records of Taft in personnel data files.References ; Employee Requisition, Application Form, Interview Assessment Form, Request for Medical Test Form, Appointment Letter, Evaluation of New Employee's Job Performance, Permanent Letter, Personal data(C.V.),.. Etc. Performance Appraisal Policy The purpose is to give each employee to know how their performance, behavior and potential are evaluated by manager to improve confidence, to provide improvement of work performance. Responsibility Department manager Is responsible for analyzing competency of responsible staff heir performance in yearly basis.MD/GM is responsible to make performance evaluation for managers. Requirements For manager level – MD/GM shall conduct performance evaluation of managers and above level. – For below manger level – Department manger shall conduct performance evaluation and submit appraisal form to HER. – HER manager shall review and compile proposed comments from appraisal and discuss with MM/ Managers to proceed for improvement. HER manager is responsible to review appraisal outcomes in order to provide necessary training program or provision or resources. –HER manager and related manager shall discuss to upgrade skills of employee and to determine training needs including resource requirements on yearly basis. References Performance Appraisal, Master Skills Matrix. Training Policy To ensure staff are competent to perform their task and ensure to provide necessary training at requested interval. Responsibility HER is responsible to prepare and arrange the training plan after getting approval from management. Department manager is responsible to evaluate their staff competency and communicate with HER for arranging required training.Procedure HER manager shall prepare the training plan based on training requests from department managers and take approval from management. Upon requirement of training, department manager shall fill the nominations for training course and submit to HER. HER shall submit to management for getting approval from management. HER manager and related manager shall arrange the training requirements at requested time. After training is completed, HER manager shall keep the training records such as nomination, record list, course register , evaluations.Trainee and trainer evaluation shall be made to training to get effectiveness of training evaluation as reference. The related manager shall provide the provisional or on Job training defined by managers. Training certificate, if applicable and personal training record shall be updated by HER staff and keep in each relevant personal file. References : Training Request Form, Training Plan Form, Training Record List, Training Course Register, Training Evaluation (trainer), Training Evaluation (trainee), Personal Training Record.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Short answer Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short answer - Term Paper Example The second part listed a number of indictments that America required King George III to answer while the last part concluded that the thirteen American colonies were, thus, considered as sovereign states. The DOI was and has remained a significant part of the American history. Firstly, it led to the freedom of American States from the tyranny of King George III of England. Through the DOI, the colonies did not only declare Americas disloyalty to the colonizers but also pointed out King George IIIs gross violation of the Americans rights. Despite the signing of DOI, the British government was not ready to set the Americans free. They ruled the document as illegal and treasonous; however, this did not deter the American fighters from pushing for their freedom. Conversely, it set the stage through which America would acquire increased foreign assistance in their fight against the British. Following the signing of DOI, for example, France offered its exclusive military and monetary support to the American rebels. The DOI was not only significant to the American people, but also to other countries besides the United States. As Cole (780) explains, the signing of the declaration encouraged other colonies to fight for their independence. Shortly after the DOI, for instance, France revolted against the oppression of King Louis XV. The DOI and the consequent independence of America justified the rights of colonies to rebel against their masters in pursuit of freedom. The Jacksonian democracy refers to the political movement in the era of the prominent politicians Andrew Jackson. As Tillery (639) elaborates, Jacksonian democracy was a form of was a political ideology that sought to achieve greater democracy in America. It began in the presidency era of President Jackson in 1828 up until 1840. However, the certain democratic aspects that were instigated in the Jacksons era are still practiced

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The role of the IMF in helping poor and debt-troubled countries Assignment - 1

The role of the IMF in helping poor and debt-troubled countries - Assignment Example Its major function is to maintain international monetary system, the system through which countries make international payments. It basically works toward providing a system that will enable foreign exchange among countries as it promotes investments and encourage a global trade that is balanced (Heakal 2010). Countries accumulate debts by borrowing from other countries or institutions especially when getting funds from outside seems cheaper and easier. This is done for the purpose of investment in areas such as factories, production of raw materials, and to acquire products that cannot be found within their borders. Borrowing is also done to overcome crises such as wars and natural disasters. There are two means of paying the debts; by simply paying what is owed from the outcomes of the investments especially when loans are invested and managed in viable projects, and by borrowing new loans when conditions are favorable, which is used to offset the older debt (Kocic 2014). The International Monetary Fund is one organization that lends a shoulder to countries with difficulties to pay their debts. These countries experience a situation where their imports and other income sources cannot balance off what they owe. These countries turn to the IMF for two reasons; through loans, the IMF provides an instant means to offset obligations to external lenders and other lenders (both private and public) such as the World Bank which only give loans to financially struggling countries that have agreed to loan terms with IMF. This puts the IMF in the role of a gatekeeper; for a poor country to get loans from other areas, they must first have a loan with IMF (Multinational Monitor Magazine, 2000). As stated by IMF (2014), when a country is experiencing trouble financially and is unable to pay debts, it puts the international financial system at the risk of instability. The loan is open to all member states regardless of their economic state; whether poor,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Love is like a Battlefield Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Love is like a Battlefield - Essay Example Clearly and evidently shown through the words and the lyrics of the song/poem, â€Å"Battlefield† is a story about two lovers who experience constant arguing and fighting. That is the main plot of the whole story. Lines such as â€Å"We could pretend that we are friends tonight† suggest that the two were in conflict and were fighting during that time. This poem basically, is an expression of confusion and perplexity of love between two people put into words. At first, their love is going smoothly, the relationship is okay, and it is great. However all of a sudden, they find themselves fighting and arguing endlessly against one another. This is shown in the second half of the very first line, which says, â€Å"One minute its love and suddenly its like a battlefield.† The person who is saying this is starting to become aware of what is happening in their relationship with each other. He or she feels as if their love, which was going steady and was strong in the beginning, is turning into a war where both are struggling and he or she is at a loss, and is deeply feeling crushed and overwhelmed by the situation that is happening between them. In reality, this is inevitable. When one is in a relationship with another, there were would always be certain times when one or the other, or both deem as if love is starting to feel like a battlefield or a combat zone, instead of love that is a strong bond between two people who deeply love one another. A military battlefield is described as a place where in two opposing and contrasting forces are armed with different kinds of weapons and fight against one another in the hope and goal of defeating the other. In a battle, one gains victory when the other is either defeated, surrenders or retreats. Considering this fact, the poem is exactly describing a battle, a battle not of military conquest involving armies, but a battle of love. When two lovers disagree or are opposing each other in terms of feelings of trust and faith,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Plato and the Cave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plato and the Cave - Essay Example Plato and the Cave In the allegory, Plato depicts humans as prisoners chained in their thoughts. When they look at the shadows, they mistake its appearance for reality. They think that what they see on the wall is actually real and could not comprehend the true causes of the shadows. If for example, a shadow looks like a shovel, they would say â€Å"I see a shovel† but then again he is only looking at the shovel. For Plato, the prisoners would be mistakenly taking the terms in their language to refer to the shadows that pass before their eyes, rather than to the real things that cast the shadows. This is the reason why people where represented by prisoners. They are bound to their belief much to the point that they are addicted with as the term shackle would imply. In a word, they keep on believing and interpreting something which is superficial. Plato can therefore be seen as referring to a higher reality. In his allegory, his point was that the general terms of our language are not â€Å"names† of the physical objects per se but are actually names of things that we cannot see, things that we can only grasp with the mind. (Irwin, 1995;    Jackson, 2001; Kochin, 2002; Kraut, 1993) I have no qualms on philosophers as leaders in the community as they are very good in making sense of what is happening. However, I also see concrete action as one essence of a leader which to, my belief, are lacking of philosophers. They may vainly philosophize on a simple issue without actually taking action even when it is urgent.


DISCUSS THE POSSIBLE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE HEALTH OF THE UK POPULATION - Essay Example Continuous accumulation of the heat energy makes the atmosphere to have warmer temperatures. It is this blanket of greenhouse gases that leads to global warming. The continuous global warming has led to effects like climate change. The health of human beings is affected negatively by the climate change condition. It is because of the extremes in hot temperatures due to the global warming. UK is experiencing health problems in its population because its geographical location is the temperate regions (McMichael 2003, p. 57). Research has shown that the high temperatures are associated with an outbreak of diseases. Pest and vectors thrive well in regions with a hot climate, and this makes UK population vulnerable to diseases. Also they diseases are easily spread over the population affecting massive numbers of people. Most reports have shown a strong correlation between climate change and health of the UK population. Among many impacts that a country can face, the following are possible impacts of climate change on health of the UK population. Heat waves are harmful and can cause death. In 2003, UK temperatures recorded 38oC and this was the highest. During this year, more than 2000 people died as a result of the heat wave that was in the country (Kreis & Leornadi 2012, p. 223). The young and the old are more vulnerable to the impacts of the heat wave. They suffer from respiratory problems that may cause the heart to overwork and can lead to a heart failure. The human body needs optimum temperatures for the parts to operate well. Any extremes in the environmental temperatures poses risk on health. Heat is essential for supporting life on earth, but it can become a problem when it is at the extremes. In UK, 30oC during the day and 15oC at night will stimulate an alert in the country. These temperatures will affect human health if they heat the atmosphere for more than 48 hours. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The News Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

The News Corporation - Case Study Example Especially, in this year TNC acquired the film company Twentieth Century Fox. The acquisition was drawn attention since it provided the company with access to studios for making films and television programmes, to a film library and to a distribution platform which created opportunities for TNC develop and expand its businesses to a multinational, multimedia company at the forefront of global marketing. From then on, TNC became a citizen of the global village. On Feb 5th 1989 TNC launched Sky Television in the UK, a direct-to-home (DTH) satellite broadcasting television network. Satellite broadcasting provided the opportunity for broadcaster to increase the footprint (distribution) of any channel, allowing the distribution of programs to more than one country for the first time. It was seen of great importance for the media industry in term of distribution channel. In the 1990's the economy was slowing down and banks worldwide experienced a liquidity crisis. TNC experienced a bad performance from Ansett Airlines and Twentieth Century Fox. The investment of new printing equipment for the UK resulted in a financial gap. Due to that fact, it was realized that the company needed restructuring to repay all loans. There were a number of key issues with regard to recovering the company: After experiencing Strengthening the company's balance sheet Improving and expanding existing businesses Building new businesses Nurturing and guiding of company's products Strategic planning, examining opportunities around the world After experiencing bad performance in its business and restructuring of the company, TNC has endlessly expanded its business throughout the world and notably as early as 1993,TNC moved into Asia with the acquisition of the Hong Kong-based satellite TV company Star TV, which broadcasts free-to-air over China, India and other 51 other countries. These markets were seen potential for TNC in a long run as they cover around 2/3 of the world's population. 1995 TNC joined with 3 other television, programming, and distribution groups to create a satellite service covering Latin America. This showed joint venture and alliances are in strategic choices of TNC which can help the company be better off in a long run and a beneficial for the parties involved and can offer more values for the customer. 2000 TNC restructured all its satellite interests into a new entity named Sky Global so as to enable the management team to build on the successes of BSkyB and to migrate those to the other satellite platforms of Sky Global.With regard to parenting, TNC was the creation of one man. Rupert Murdoch has been the chief executive since 1953. He is the driving force and most major decisions are made by him. His management style was supplemented by an extremely efficient reporting system. The business is built on Rupert Murdoch's Empire and his vision, ruthlessness and daring. He maintains control of his businesses by looking outside of the business to the regulatory environment that might constrain his activities. Besides that, Murdoch was affected by national regulatory systems and his political friendships have brought him influence in this area. In addition, his personal politics are right

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis Paper on Hollydazzle Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis on Hollydazzle - Research Paper Example In this situation, since initial costs are the same for both years, it leads to more operating income. In a normal business situation, we cannot expect an operating income during the first few years as one has to invest a thumping amount of initial cost. Even if a business can reach break even point at an early stage, it is a great achievement. As an etailer Hollydazzle has scope for increasing the volume with less effort and costs compared to any other retailer because customers are moving towards this direction faster than ever. 3. Hollydazzle can also consider outsourcing its warehousing and distribution function. It would have to pay MooV, a warehousing and distribution specialist who has worked with other etailers, 6% of total sales. Should Hollydazzle consider outsourcing its warehouse operations What other factors should Kristin, Eric and John consider in making this decision This will enable a business ventures to diversifying the revenue sources. Of course it will look like an additional cost. But this approach will minimize the current expenses by reducing the risk, staff and other resources such as monitoring time. According to Andrew Neitlich (2004), it will 'also lets you take advantage of people you know who might refer you work, even if it is outside your core market'. This is also some kind of Marketing promotion as their word of mouth will also carry some weight in expanding the volume of transactions. MooV seems to have experience in working with other etailers, which is good. Since the major concern of Holludazzle is the etailer than a land-based store business, they can relive from the hassle of land based activities if they could outsource this activity. However, it is at a price, which means they may have to pay 6% of their total sales to them. Instead of just passing it over to MooV, there are few aspects such as advantages and disadvantages Kristin, John and Eric have to consider before coming to any conclusions.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Love in a Time of Cholera Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Love in a Time of Cholera - Essay Example ts epidemics of cholera, and to the final riverboat scene where a flag warns that there are cholera victims on board when in fact two pensioners are enjoying their delayed honeymoon. The novel opens with a suicide. Jeremiah de Saint Amour could not bear the idea of ageing; he suffered from â€Å"gerontophobia† and had sworn â€Å"I will never grow old†. This hypnotic novel explores the dilemmas of ageing through a plot of unrequited love; a man, Florentino Ariza, waiting fifty-one years, nine months and four days for his rival to die in order to reaffirm his love for his sweetheart, Fermina Daza. The novelty of this theme is striking, almost implausible. Florentino Arizas head is filled with the illusions read of in sentimental poems. His patience is rewarded at the end when he finally beds his aged beloved in a riverboat. Due to the suggestive prose, the reader tends to read the novel as a romance, a tale of timeless love that transcends age and time, a love that emerges victorious in the end. â€Å"However, disguised beneath the surface of the melodramatic plot lies a critical, sometimes satiric examination of many of the elements that appear to contribute to the novels charm, but actually undercut much of its romanticism and sentimentality.† (Jeffrey M. Lilburn.  Love in the Time of Cholera: Deep Themes of the Popular Conceptions of Love.) Despite counterpointing of characters and themes, Garcia Marquez, a friend of Fidel Castro, refuses to judge his characters or condemn them. He is far more subtle, and generous. The way he situates his protagonist is exemplified when the patient Florentino Ariza finally climbs into a riverboat bed with his beloved and receives a telegram saying that his god-daughter has killed herself. He seduced America Vicufia as a child, and they became lovers. He then broke off the relationship without ever realizing how much in love with him, despite his age, the school-girl was. She had found his secret love letters to Fermina Daza, and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Research About Differences in Grade Essay Example for Free

Research About Differences in Grade Essay Introduction The field of Information Technology is one of the most interesting courses of study. This is very evident in the growing number of students pursuing the field in our school, College of the Immaculate Conception (CIC). In our (the CIC community)commitment for excellence as stipulated in our vision and mission, the school administrators, faculty and staff are continuously seeking ways on how we can improve our programs, the content and delivery of instruction and most especially our students. We do such by attending fora, conducting various seminar/workshops/trainings, benchmarking with other schools, peer mentoring, pursuing graduate studies and eventually aspiring and working for a university status through an ongoing accreditation with PAASCU (Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities). In the 4-year stint of offering the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, often, we are able to have not less than three blocks every semester. As a private school competing with so many others within the province, we represent quite a volume in our enrolment. However, most often than not, most students do not earn impressive grades. Though they pass, their grades as evidences of their performance in their different subjects, are quite low. Despite of the effort and commitment of the faculty to adapt, implement, innovate strategies for facilitating learning, very few of our students make it to have high grades especially in major subjects. Among these subjects are Computer Organization, Database Management System and System Analysis and Design. This leads the researcher in making this term paper to seek an answer to the problem cited below. Statement of the Problem Considering the subjects mentioned above, this study aims to answer: Is there a significant difference on the performance of the students in these three major subjects? Significance of the Study This term paper is deemed important for the following groups of people in our academe: For the teachers. The result of this study will shed some light on different performance, if there is any, of our students in the subjects concerned thereby providing an opportunity for improvement. If there is such difference, the subject and the teacher handling it may provide some effective means that others may use. Moreover, this term paper may also bring forth some more ideas for us, teachers, to get to know more our students and therefore provide them with the necessary intervention for better scholastic achievement. For IT students in CIC. Students, whose grades are used in this paper, may be benefitted thru proper interventions that maybe drafted for them. For future takers of the subjects mentioned here, this may prepare them for the semester wherein they will take the subjects. For the researcher, herself. This term paper is the culmination of her struggle with Statistics. The success of this paper may lead to more papers where topics learned in this subject may be applied for the creation of new knowledge and for delivery of information. Quite an exciting future for the researcher, she believes. Scope and Delimitation This term paper entitled â€Å"Difference of Selected BSIT 3 Students’ Performance in Three Major Subjects: A Term Paper† is focused on finding the difference, if there is any, in three major subjects taken by BSIT 3 of the College of the Immaculate Conception last 1st Sem of School Year 2010-2011. The subjects concerned were Computer Organization, Database Management System and System Analysis and Design. Computer Organization, mostly theoretical in nature, deals with various hardware structures and their interaction with each other. Database Management System, on the other hand, aims to develop a skill in designing, creating and maintaining and/or manipulating a database using MySQL. Lastly, System Analysis and Design focuses on the rudiments of systems development through a feasibility study which is collaborative in nature. These are three different subjects taken by mostly the same students, inclusive of irregular students, under different teachers. This term paper is limited only for the three subjects. It is not concerned, in any way, how those subjects were delivered nor with each student’s intellectual capacity. Definition of Terms CIC. College of the Immaculate Conception CIC community. Refers to the CIC administration, faculty and staff. Programs. Refers to the different course offerings of CIC Blocks. Refers to each class of students consisting of, ideally, not more than 40 students. IT Subject. Refers to each subject offered in the Bachelor Science in Information Technology curriculum. Computer Organization. Refers to the IT subject that presents the various hardware structures (down to transistor level) that compose a computer, their individual functions, how they interact with each other, how they can be organized and controlled to perform the task assigned to the computer. Database Management System. Refers to an IT subject that tackles the following topics: the physical database design process (the last stage of database design), data administration functions, which encompass concurrency control, database security and recovery. System Analysis and Design. This It subject deals with the different phases of systems development focusing on analysis and design where students will learn the rudiments of systems development through a feasibility study. College. Refers to CIC. Methodology The methodology employed in this study is the simple analysis of variance (ANOVA) or one-way ANOVA. According to Prof Isidra Marcos (2011), a distinguished professor in the NEUST graduate school, ANOVA is used for testing that two or more independent samples were drawn from population as having the same mean or to test whether or not more than 2 samples (or groups) are significantly different from each other. Each column in this table refers in each subject. The first column is for Computer Organization, the second one is for Database Management System and lastly for the System Analysis and Design. The last row displays in each cell the number of grades in each column. For the first subject, 31 grades corresponding to 31 students were gathered. There were also 31 and 33 on the second and last columns respectively.

History Of The Film Amazing Grace Theology Religion Essay

History Of The Film Amazing Grace Theology Religion Essay The movie Amazing Grace is all about an extraordinary man named William Wilberforce. In 1784 when he was twenty-one years old, Wilberforce was elected into the British House of Common where he became a politician. A few years later, William Pitt, a close friend of Wilberforces, became prime minister. Together these two came together and introduced a bill banning slavery. Although Wilberforce has the help of anti-slavery activists, there were many people that supported slavery and as a result the bill was not passed. Unfortunately in 1797 Wilberforce was forced to leave his career in politics due to his poor health so he moved into a country home of one of his friends. Here he then meets a woman named Barbara Spooner. Spooner encourages Wilberforce to not give up his goals so he then launches a second campaign to convince Englands lawmakers to end slave trade. William Wilberforce was a very strong Christian and he put all of his faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Wilberforce had very strong foundational values as can be seen throughout the movie through his actions and choices. Wilberforces faith changed him from being a careless wealthy politician into a public servant that was compassionate and caring towards everyone. He used his gifts and skills in order to help create a better society. Wilberforce was very strong in character as he had very strong morals and always knew the right thing to do. While most of society at that time accepted slavery as being a necessity, Wilberforce did not conform. Most people back then has been brainwashed into believing that slavery was okay, but thats not how Wilberforce thought. He saw that slavery was a cruel and evil thing. He knew that it was against Gods will so he did his best in order to end slavery in England. Unfortunately his bill was struck down, but even this did not stop him. He later came ba ck with another attempt at banning slave trade. Wilberforce obviously had very strong faith and character, and as suspected he was very much a servant and did all that he could in order to abolish slavery. Wilberforce literally did everything that he could do in order to end slavery in England. This introduces another question: why would Wilberforce go into so much trouble for something that didnt affect him? This is because he was an excellent servant. Although Wilberforce himself was not a slave he still saw the harm it was causing and he knew the suffering many people were going through because of it. He saw this and knew that he needed to do all that he could in order to help. Although he may have not reached the desired outcome at first, he did everything that he could and worked extremely hard and in the end he was able to abolish slavery. William Wilberforce was uniquely designed by God and therefore has both numerous strengths and weaknesses. One of Wilberforces strengths was that he was a very strong faith. Although there were many difficulties and struggles that Wilberforce was forced to encounter, he always put his trust and faith in God. This ultimately led to his success in abolishing slavery. Although things got difficult for William he never lost his faith in God and because of this incredible faith and persistence he was then able to abolish slavery in England for good. Wilberforce was very passionate about two main things in his first: God and abolishing slavery. Both of these passions were very closely connected together and they both had major impacts on his life. William believed in God and wanted to do everything that he could for Him, and that is where slavery became involved. William knew that slavery was contrary to Gods will and as a result he dedicated his life to abolishing it, but he knew that he couldnt do it all by himself. Wilberforce had a few friends to help him, but God is where most of the help came from. One major experience that had an impact of Wilberforces life purpose was when his bill was declined the first time. Wilberforce was obviously devastated and didnt know exactly what to do. He then moved out to the country where he was then convinced by Barbara Spooner that he had been fighting for a very noble cause and never should have given up in the first place. In my opinion, this is when Wilberforce truly understood his life calling. Up until this point he had been very passionate about the cause, but now his passion has been restored and is even stronger than it had been before. He then realizes that it is his duty to end slavery and as a result he starts up a second campaign. This campaign is much more successful than his previous one and he ends up abolishing slave trade in England. Overall, William Wilberforce was uniquely designed by Jesus Christ and this c an be seen all throughout his life. Wilberforce was able to do incredible things because of Gods help and these experiences that helped strengthen his faith and trust in God. Because William Wilberforce was uniquely designed, he was different than everyone else. This means that he had his very own unique personal mission or life calling. Wilberforces life calling was to make the world a better place. This included getting rid of slavery in England. God opened his eyes in such a way that Wilberforce was able to see the horror of slavery and all of the tragedies it was causing. Wilberforce then realized that slavery was against Gods will and he did the best that he could to get it abolished. He worked restlessly trying to abolish slavery even though he faced many hardships. When his first bill was not passed Wilberforce was crushed, but that did not stop him. William kept on going even after his bill was struck down. He was definitely discouraged at this point but he didnt give up all hope. He persisted and kept on going with his attempts to abolish slavery. In the end, all of these attempts were successful and slavery was then abolished. William Wilberforc e had finally fulfilled his life calling. Wilberforce was drawn to helping those in need and those who were treated unfairly which is why he was so passionate about making slavery illegal. He knew it was bad and he wanted to make the world a better place. Wilberforces vision of a better world was not only one without slavery, but also one where people had freedoms and liberties. He was a very strong Christian and as a result he wanted the world to reflect Gods desires for mankind. He wanted everyone to serve God and each other so that the world would be a less sinful place. Wilberforces main strategy for accomplishing these goals was by putting all of his faith and trust in God. William knew that he couldnt accomplish anything by himself and the he needed help. This help came from God and from numerous other individuals that helped him. He put all of his trust in God even when it seemed like there was nothing that could be done. Because William was able to completely rely on God, Go d was able to work through him and accomplish what needed to be done. William, with Gods help, was able to then abolish slavery and make the world a better place. One very obvious roadblock that William Wilberforce had to overcome was when his first bill was rejected. Wilberforce was very frustrated at this point and he started to lose all hope. Wilberforce became sick and as a result he moved into one of his friends country house. He lived her a while as he was recovering, but then he met someone very special. This need friend of his was Barbara Spooner, and they shared very similar views. Spooner also believed that slavery was a bad thing and that it needed to go. She then encouraged Wilberforce to try again and she told him he should have never given up such a noble cause. Finally, Wilberforce started to overcome this gigantic roadblock in his life. It took much encouragement from Barbara as well as a large amount of faith in God. Wilberforce was already discouraged so he ended up relying on God more than ever and as a result God let his will be done and Wilberforce was successful in the end. Wilberforce put all of his trust and faith in God, and the way that he lived out his life and trusted in God is a great example for the rest of the world. William worked tirelessly and devoted his life to a cause because he knew that it was wrong and contrary to Gods will. As a result he did everything that he could in order to abolish slavery. He went through many struggles and difficulties, but never gave up. This is a great example of how we should be leading out lives. Although times may get tough in our lives, we need to realize what Gods will is a fight through it. Life will throw many roadblocks in our way and sometimes they will seem impossible to overcome. However, if we put all of our faith in God we will then be able to overcome even the most impossible struggles and make the world a better place. William Wilberforce went through many difficulties and struggles in his life, but he never managed to lose sight of what he was doing it for. He was not only doing it to help tho se that were enslaved, but also to make the world a godlier place. He saw that the world was a very sinful place and he sought to change that. This is how we all need to live our lives. We should see the sinfulness in the world and despise it. We should then do everything that we can to destroy evil and make the world a better place so that through everything we do we serve God and do His will.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Co-Ni-Al and Co-Ni-Al-Fe Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy

Co-Ni-Al and Co-Ni-Al-Fe Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Microstructures and Magnetic Anisotropy Properties of Co-Ni-Al and Co-Ni-Al-Fe ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Abstract This study investigated the microstructure, magnetic anisotropy and the trend of magnetic field induced strain in Co-Ni-Al and Co-Ni-Al-Fe ferromagnetic shape memory alloys. At room temperature, a trunk-type ÃŽ ³ phase precipitates in the matrix phase and the grain boundaries in each specimen. The parent phase in each specimen is identified as L10-type martensitic phase with a (1-11) twinning plane, which prefer growth in (110) orientation after directional solidification. The magnetic anisotropy constant can evaluate 1.13Ãâ€"106erg ·cm-3 and 1.36Ãâ€"106erg ·cm-3 by Suckmith-Thompson method, respectively. The trend of twin martensitic rearrangement had evaluated by O’handley model and the result was revealed that the magnetic anisotropy energy in specimens was far greater than Zeeman energy difference across the twin boundaries and the twin martensitic can rearrangement to obtain strains in applied magnetic field. Key words: magnetic anisotropy; ferromagnetic shape memory alloys; twin martensitic; Suckmith-Thompson method; strains in applied magnetic field 1 . Introduction Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) exhibit large magnetic field induced strain (MFIS) and rapid response in the application of an external magnetic field, which was considered as potential candidate materials for magnetic controlled actuators and sensors[1, 2]. Several FSMAs exist including Ni-Mn-Ga[3-8], Co-Ni-Ga[9, 10], Ni-Mn-Al[1], Ni-Fe-Ga[2] and Co-Ni-Al[11-17] etc. Of these alloys, ÃŽ ²-base Co-Ni-Al alloys was drawn much attention because of their better ductility and low cost of constituent elements[18, 19]. In Co-Ni-Al alloys, dual-phase structure arises is of a great advantage for practical applications, due to tailor of mechanical properties of the ÃŽ ² phase and ÃŽ ³ phase. Generally, ÃŽ ² phase (B2, B.C.C.) in polycrystalline material is extremely hard and brittle, but the presence of ÃŽ ³ phase (A1, F.C.C.) can significantly improve the ductility with alloy[20, 21]. On the other hand, B2-type ÃŽ ² phase has transformed to the L10-type thermo-elastic martensite when temperature cooling below the phase transformation temperature and a large MFIS were found in Co-Ni-Al alloy due to the rearrangement of twin martensite variants in external magnetic field[22, 23]. In MFIS process, the magnetic anisotropy energy can lead the variant rearrangement in order that the magnetic easy axis was aligned parallel to the magnetic field direction when the magnetic anisotropy energy was larger than the energy driving variant rearrangement[24]. So, to obtain the magnetic anisotropy and the trend of twin martensite boundary mobility in FMSAs was very important. In this study, the microstructure and magnetic anisotropy in Co-Ni-Al and Co-Ni-Al-Fe were investigated. Furthermore, in order to establish out a useful direction in ferromagnetic shape memory alloy designs, the trend of magnetic field induced strain with ferromagnetic element Fe added in Co-Ni-Al alloy was discussed. 2. Experimental Procedure The samples with the composition Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 (at%) were prepared by arc-melting furnace using purity elements (>99.99%) under pure argon atmosphere. Ingots were melted four times to ensure the homogeneity and then suction cast into rods with a diameter of 3mm and a length of 70mm. The rods were grown used the liquid metal cooling directional solidification method in Al2O3 crucible at pulling rate of 100ÃŽ ¼m/s and temperature gradients of 800à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã†â€™/cm. In order to obtain microstructure of the specimens, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were examined. XRD were examined in the Philips PW170 using CuKÃŽ ± 1 radiation at a scanning angle of 10 °-90 ° and a scanning speed of 3 °/min. TEM was performed on a Philips CM12 and a Tecnai F20 super twin field emission gun TEM equipped with a Gatan imaging filter system. Specimens for TEM analysis were thinned by twin jet electro-poli shing in a solution of 5% perchloric acid and 95% ethanol. The magnetization was examined for selected samples using the Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (Lake Shore 7407) with a maximum magnetic field of 1.5T at room temperature. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Microstructures The microstructure images of specimens are shown in Fig.1. It can be seen that a typical dendritic morphology in the specimens and the trunk phase are the Co-rich ÃŽ ³ phase, which precipitates in the matrix phase and the grain boundaries in each specimen. The ÃŽ ³ phase grows in Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 alloy is smaller indicating that Fe add in Co-Ni-Al alloy has a trend to formationtion more matrix phase. The matrix phase undergoes the martensitic transformation suggesting that the martensitic transformation start temperature (TMs) higher than room temperature. Fig.2 gives the XRD patterns of Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12. The spectrum peaks of the parent phase in each specimen is identified as L10 structure (martensite phase) with the small amount of the coexisting ÃŽ ³ phase (A1 structure), which is in good agreement with the observation of the micrographs. After directional solidification, the martensitic implies preferred (110) orientation in alloy Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 and the spectrum peak of ÃŽ ³ phase appears less orientation when Fe add in Co1.36Ni1.21Al alloy. Fig.3 shows TEM photographs and selected-area diffraction pattern of samples. It can be seen that martensite, whose transformation from ÃŽ ² phase, is tetragonal L10 structure. The twin martensite is spearhead-shaped, which is the presence of many black and white pinstripes regularly piled up. Fig.3b and 3d shows the electron diffraction patterns exhibiting the structural feature of the specimens. The patterns were taken with an incident electron beam parallel to the [011] zone axis and the primary diffraction spots are indexed for the L10 structure twin martensite with a (1-11) twinning plane. 3.2 Magnetic anisotropy The magnetizations of specimens as a function of applied magnetic field at room temperature are shown in Fig.4. The measured M-H curves for the a-plane direction can be saturated easily, while the magnetization for the c-axis is hardly saturated. Obviously, a-plane is the easy direction to magnetic, but c-axis is the hard direction. The value of coercivity (Hc) and saturation magnetization (Ms) with Co1.36Ni1.21Al alloy was about 102Oe and 43.72emu/g, respectively. Compared, the value of Ms was promoted from 43.72emu/g to 57.64emu/g and the Hc decrease from 102Oe to 53Oe in Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12. The axial magnetic anisotropy constant Ku of the sample was determined by the magnetization curves measured along and perpendicular the axis. The magnetic anisotropy energy Em was calculated by equation[25] (1): Em≈K2’sin2ÃŽ ¸+K4’sin4ÃŽ ¸ (1) Where ÃŽ ¸ is the angle between the magnetization and the c-axis; K2’ is the second-order magnetic anisotropy constant and K4’ is the fourth-order magnetic anisotropy constant. The value of magnetic anisotropy constant Ku is approximately equal to the sum of K2’ and K4’ as shows in equation (2): Ku≈K2’+ K4’ (2) After correcting the demagnetizing field, the value of magnetic anisotropy constant K2’, K4’ and Ku can evaluate by the Suckmith-Thompson method [24]using the equation (3): 2 K2’/Ms2+(4K4’/Ms4)M2=He/M (3) Where Ms is the saturation intensity; M is the magnetization and He is the effective field. From equation (3), the anisotropy constants can obtain from the graph of M2 and He/M: the slope being is 4 K4’/Ms4 and the intercept of Y-axis is 2 K2’/Ms2. Fig.5 is the graph of M2 and He/M of specimens Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 and the values of magnetic anisotropy constant K2’, K4’ and Ku were calculated in Table 1. However, the value of Ku in Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 approach same level compare with tradition FSMAs (NiMnGa[26, 27], Ku=-2.03Ãâ€"106 erg ·cm-3) and the lager value of Ku can provide greater magnetic anisotropy energy in applied magnetic field. 3.3 Dimensionless field normalized by anisotropy The magnetic field induced strains in FSMAs are explained by the rearrangement of twin boundaries in variants martensitic phase under the driving force of the Zeeman energy (MsH) difference across the twin boundaries. Twin boundaries with the large magnetic anisotropy can obtain great magnetic anisotropy energy in applied magnetic field. When the magnetic anisotropy energy is bigger than the energy driving variant rearrangement, the magnetic anisotropy energy can lead the variant rearrangement in order that the magnetic easy axis is aligned parallel to the magnetic field direction. The mechanism for twin-boundary motion shows in Fig.6. O’handley[28] was used dimensionless field parameter ha to express the relationship between Zeeman energy and magnetic anisotropy energy. The dimensionless field parameter ha can evaluate by the equation (4): ha=MsH/2Ku (4) When haaà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ®1, the magnetic anisotropy energy is not sufficient to overcome Zeeman energy and the material can’t obtain strain in applied magnetic field. In order to make sure trend of magnetic field induced strain of specimens, the values of ha were calculated and the result list in Table 2. Obviously, the values of ha in Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 alloys was smaller than 1. The magnetic anisotropy energy of specimens is far greater than Zeeman energy difference across the twin boundaries and the twin martensitic can rearrangement to obtain large strains in applied magnetic field. Furthermore, Fe added in Co-Ni-Al alloy can enhance the magnetic anisotropy and reduce the dimensionless field parameter ha as shows in Table 2. It was suggesting that Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 has lager trend of twin boundary rearrangement and it is a meaningful direction for material design of FSMAs. 4. Conclusion In order to obtain large magnetic field induced strain of MFIS at room temperature in Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 alloys, the microstructure and magnetic anisotropy and the trend of rearrangement twin boundary were investigated. A trunk-type ÃŽ ³ phase precipitates in the matrix phase and the grain boundaries in each specimen. The parent phase in each specimen is identified as L10-type martensitic phase with a (1-11) twinning plane, which prefer growth in (110) orientation after directional solidification. The magnetic anisotropy constant Ku of Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 alloys were evaluated to be 1.13Ãâ€"106erg ·cm-3 and 1.36Ãâ€"106erg ·cm-3, respectively. The trend of twin martensitic rearrangement has evaluated using O’handley model. The result is revealed that the dimensionless field parameter ha of Co1.36Ni1.21Al and Co1.36Ni1.21AlFe0.12 was smaller than 1 and the magnetic anisotropy energy in specimens was far greater than Zeeman energy difference across the twin boundaries. In this condition, twin martensitic can rearrangement and obtains large strains in applied magnetic field. Refernces [1] Fujita A, Gejima F, Ishida K. Magnetic properties and large magnetic-field-induced strains in off-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Al Heusler alloys[J]. Applied Physics Letters. 2000, 77 (19 ): 3054-3056. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Compare and Contrast Between Rwanda and Darfur Genocide, from the Const

The analysis of the genocides that took place both in Rwanda and Sudan’s Darfur region exhibit some similarities as well as differences. The character of violence was similar in both cases, but in Rwanda the violence was more intense, participatory, and extraordinary. The violence in these two places took place in an environment that had experienced civil wars. It was a period of political transition which was further aggravated by ethnic nationalism and a conflict of ethnic populations that were living in close proximity. However, in the Rwandan genocide, the state is more centralized, compact, and effective. This is what explains the intensity and variation. The international response to these genocides through observers emphasized on using the genocide label to create domestic constituencies especially in the Rwandan case. The Darfur case however, revealed that both of these strategies are not effective. Responding to the genocide in Darfur, the US officials declared the label genocide to be occurring. Thereafter, a politically civil-society coalition emerged so as to lobby the administration. The net outcome of these two scenarios however was the same in the absence of effective policies that could halt the genocide. The Rwandan genocide has always acted as the point of reference for similar genocides taking place around the world. Since the 2003 crisis in Darfur, a lot of comparisons have been made to Rwandan genocide. Observers have likened the Darfur genocide to what happened in Rwanda and of course giving it two connotations. First, the violence in the western parts of Sudan has been referred to another Rwanda, by basing their arguments on the nature of the violence. Since whatever was happening in Darfur is similar t... ... different since the US was guided by the realism approach of not extending humanitarian help beyond their borders. Works cited Kupperman, Alan. Genocide: The Cases of Rwanda and Sudan. (2007) Retrieved from Lim, Timothy. Analyzing foreign policy: duties beyond borders? (2000) Retrieved from Merlingen, Michael. European security and defense policy: an implementation perspective, (2008). New York: Routledge publishers. Shapiro, Alan. Genocide in Darfur, Inaction in the Security Council Retrieved from Straus, Scott. Rwanda and Darfur: A Comparative Analysis. Retrieved from

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

It is difficult to ascertain the general view of an entire population towards another group of people. The opinion the British had for the American colonies was already negative as the colonists were generally viewed as second class citizens. The relationship declined after the Seven Years War. It was costly for Britain and they were forced to raise taxes in the colonies so as to financially recover. Many Americans were unwilling to pay and rebelled against the crown for it. King George III and majority of Britain viewed the Americans as ungrateful for their refusal and began to use force through their taxation. This would eventually lead to rebellious ideas forming in the colonies, but these ideas were treated as only belonging to a very small minority. Once the supporters for a revolution increased, it was falsely assumed that these â€Å"Yankees† were using bullying tactics to silence opposition. Another issue was that the damage from the war made it apparent to the British that a militia was not enough to protect their colonies from future enemies, so they had developed a large army to remain in America to protect their interests. However, maintaining an army can be costly, which is another reason taxes were so high for the colonists that most were unable to pay them. Their complaints were mostly ignored and taxes were collected through force. It was becoming apparent to colonists that they were nothing, but an economic resource to Great Britain, which would eventually lead to a revolution. This mentality that Americans are inferior to the British did not just sprout out of thin air. Although the colonies had become almost self-governing, many in Britain assumed this superiority complex due to the complete control they had over ... ...o this for the colonists. Instead, Americans were only able to exercise as much power as was granted to them by Parliament. There was no suggestion of colonial troops being developed to defend America. No leaders in Britain seemed to consider simply asking the colonists for financial aid, instead of just voting in taxes to forcefully place on them. A colonial government would only work with Britain if they could see a profit and there seemed to be no faith in colonial soldiers because they would operate under rules different to the British army. In fact, these prejudices were based on British interpretations of the early part of the Seven Year’s War. Failure to cooperate between British commanders and the colonial governments was common and sometimes hostile. The contributions that the colonists provided were mostly ignored, such as their provision of many troops.

education and philosophies :: essays research papers

In light of this course, I would say that my philosophy of education has changed. My first paper, in retrospect, reads almost like a fantasy of what teaching should be like. I think in this aspect I have matured enough to realize that everything in this profession is not "Disney" material. There are going to be students who do not follow directions, and worse who don't care about succeeding at all. I would feel responsible for these children if I thought that there was a chance to help them. Unfortunately, there are some children that will never buy into schooling and education in general. I do, however, still believe that I can positively impact that type of child in the area of life, or even "street knowledge." I am not saying that I will be able to relate to all walks of life in the classroom. That would be an overstatement. I do believe that I possess the common sense and approachability to be a "stop" on a child's problem solving route. My first paper focused more on personal feelings and avoid ed issues that were raised in this class. After taking part in discussions, I began to focus more on the system and the political atmosphere of education, ranging from diversity in the classroom to violence in schools in general. I think that due to the Federal Government being in control of school funds, some carpet decisions favor some schools while other schools are left hurting. I believe that these decisions should be put in the hands of the parents and school board, for parents should be allowed to pick and choose what their children are learning. I know that when my child attends school I will thoroughly investigate the curriculum and take any means necessary to avoid liberal nonsense in the classroom. education and philosophies :: essays research papers In light of this course, I would say that my philosophy of education has changed. My first paper, in retrospect, reads almost like a fantasy of what teaching should be like. I think in this aspect I have matured enough to realize that everything in this profession is not "Disney" material. There are going to be students who do not follow directions, and worse who don't care about succeeding at all. I would feel responsible for these children if I thought that there was a chance to help them. Unfortunately, there are some children that will never buy into schooling and education in general. I do, however, still believe that I can positively impact that type of child in the area of life, or even "street knowledge." I am not saying that I will be able to relate to all walks of life in the classroom. That would be an overstatement. I do believe that I possess the common sense and approachability to be a "stop" on a child's problem solving route. My first paper focused more on personal feelings and avoid ed issues that were raised in this class. After taking part in discussions, I began to focus more on the system and the political atmosphere of education, ranging from diversity in the classroom to violence in schools in general. I think that due to the Federal Government being in control of school funds, some carpet decisions favor some schools while other schools are left hurting. I believe that these decisions should be put in the hands of the parents and school board, for parents should be allowed to pick and choose what their children are learning. I know that when my child attends school I will thoroughly investigate the curriculum and take any means necessary to avoid liberal nonsense in the classroom.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Inequality Between the Low and High Class in Brazil

Brazil is the largest country in South America and it has the strongest economy in Latin America. The country has the seventh largest economy in the world by nominal GDP. Brazil is rich in natural resources and it focus on agriculture and industrial power. Despite the improvement on income distribution and bringing the middle class population to 95 million people which is a little bit more than half of the population in the country, poverty in rural areas are still very severe in Brazil. According to Rural Poverty Portal, â€Å"In the country as a whole, about 35 percent of the population lives in poverty, on less than two dollars a day. (1) The population in Brazil is about 197 million and with 35 percent of population living in poverty is equal to two times the population in Canada. Most of the poverties in Brazil are concentrated in the North East region of Brazil and it can be considered the single largest concentration of rural poverty in South America. The North East region in Brazil is the undeveloped part of the country where the population have no access to education, health care, technology and even clean water. Several causes of poverty in Brazil are land tenure, lack of access to a good education and also skill training. Through the literary short stories and Brazilian made films, we can somehow picture how different is the life between the lower and higher class families. The inequality is a very big issue in the country and even though the stories and films are fiction, it still shows us a reality that Brazil has been facing for a long period, which is the big gap between the rich and the poor. One of the films that shows the poverty in the rural areas of Brazil is â€Å"Behind the Sun†, directed by Walter Salles. We can see how the violence is a very big problem in the story because of a land dispute between a family and neighbour. According to Scielo, â€Å"It is customary to state that the poorer strata of the population are more violent and that they cause the social disorder and disturbances that assail the country. † ( Minayo, 1) It is true that the lower class would be more involved in violence since they are tired of working so hard and not getting anywhere, and it affects them emotionally. Furthermore, the film starts with a background of very dark orange which may represent the very hot weather in Brazil and it makes the viewers to somehow feel the tiredness, the hard working people in rural areas in Brazil. The film begins with a very depressing color which almost represents â€Å"hopelessness†. The scene that most caught my attention and I think it was very meaningful to the viewers is when the oxes start to turning in circle over and over again. It brings a significant message of no matter how hard the people work in rural areas; they will always be in the same routine and will never be able to have the chance to succeed in life. Moreover, as we could see, one of the main characters, Pacu, a very simple and humble boy, speaks a Portuguese with several grammatical errors such as â€Å"mais melhor† and â€Å"eles que tava perdido†. Illiteracy is another big problem in Brazil, especially with the lower class population, who live in the rural areas. Lower class people that live in the interior do not value education as much as people from higher classes. Sometimes it is because they are so focused on working to support their family that they do not have time to think about educating their children. Other times, they do not even have money to buy food, so how are they going to support their children to go school? Many children who are born in lower class families do not have the opportunity to be educated, not because they do not want; however, it is because their parents cannot afford and they are incapable of sending them to school. There are approximately 14 million people that are illiterate in Brazil; which means that they cannot read and write. Fortunately, in 2003, Brazil launched the â€Å"Bolsa Familia†, where the government support poor families with 140 Reais which is equivalent to 80 dollars to benefit the family to send their children to school, accessing health care and other social assistances. In addition, the literary story â€Å"The Hour of the Star† by Clarice Lispector also helps the reader to imagine how the lower class women's lives seem like. In recent years, women had played a big role in the contribution to the Brazilian economy. Today, Brazil even has a woman president in charge of the country, Dilma Rousseff. Wealthy women in Brazil seem to always be able to have a free pass to succeed in life, although many lower class women in Brazil do not receive the same opportunity. Higher class women always succeed thorough high society connection or using the power of the money. Macabea, the main character, from â€Å"The Hour of the Star† can represent all the lower class women in Brazil. Since Macabea lost her parents when she was very young, she became an orphan. Therefore, that is probably one of the reasons why she had difficulties succeeding in life due to the absence of parents supporting and guiding her. According to SOS Children’s Village, â€Å"In regions that are marked by high unemployment rates, children often face a substantial risk of growing up in an unstable domestic environment. â€Å"(1) It is possible to imagine how an orphan girl would need to go through without parent’s guidance. Moreover, the story also highlights that due to Macabea status of being poor, her lover, Olimpio, believes that he would not have any chance of advancing in life being with her. Instead, he chooses to date her co-worker, Gloria, who was smarter and prettier than Macabea. In addition, the title of the narrative, â€Å"The Hour of the Star†, is about Macabea who wanted to be a cinema actress. Unfortunately, people would not pay attention on her and the fact of her being poor, there was almost no chance for her to become who she wanted to become, which is a very sad reality that actually exists in Brazil. In Brazil, the poor still suffers inequality, they have almost no chance to succeed in life and they are pretty much ignored by the society. The poor is almost invisible to the society and the poor keeps getting poorer. For Macabea, she only sort of becomes famous after being hit by a Mercedes Benz, which is a â€Å"luxurious and imported item†. She did not become â€Å"famous† because she was hit in an accident, but the fact is because the â€Å"Mercedes Benz† was involved in it. People are always curious about the rich and the famous. They are not interested in the â€Å"insignificant† lower class people that are considered a burden to the Brazilian society. According to a journal article, â€Å"For upper-class women, the result is a life of almost total leisure, in which they have servants to do all the work. For lower-class women, their survival often depends upon their ability to obtain one of these jobs. Approximately one-third of the women employed in Brazil work as household workers, including cooks, housekeepers, and child care workers†. (Brazil, 1987) Most of lower class women in Brazil work as housekeepers and child care workers to middle and high class families. Due to low or no education, they are only able to afford low skilled jobs. Yet, about two years ago, Brazilian television program has launched a reality show named â€Å"Mulheres Ricas†, which means rich women. The reality show is about five very wealthy women who travel by private jet, eat from gold plates and women who would spend many thousands of dollars in clothing and imported bags. The show has been criticized internationally by comparing them to 11. 5 million Brazilian living in slums. The reason of the criticism is because it somehow proves hat the higher class only care about their own comfort by ignoring the real issues that is occurring in the country, which is the severe poverty. In Brazil, there is definitely a very big gap between the poor and the rich. Although the poverty is a big issue in the country, according to a recent report, Brazil has been creating 19 millionaires a day since 2007. Yet, the poverty in Brazil is causing several other problems such as th e drug traffic. Most of the times, the people who are involved in drug traffics, are the lower classes people. We can find people from all ages involved in the traffic. According to SOS Children’s village, â€Å"In the country’s largest cities, particularly in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, children without parental care often end up on the streets where they are vulnerable to gang violence, sexual abuse and drug addiction. â€Å"(1) Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in Brazil, has a place called â€Å"favela† where the drug traffic has been a problem for several years. The movie, â€Å"Elite Squad: The Enemy Within† by Jose Padilha, illustrates a â€Å"fiction-reality† that occurs in Rio de Janeiro. The movie unquestionably shows to the viewers that â€Å"human rights† do not exist in Brazil, since the higher class people are the ones that hold all the power while the poor are not even recognized by the society. In the film, it mentions that the police would invade the â€Å"favelas† killing all the poor people involved in the drug traffic; however, they would not invade luxury apartments killing or arresting people because they receive some commission from the rich. In other words, the police officers are tipped with the money from the drug traffic from â€Å"higher class† people. Most of the times, if a person from a higher class commit a crime; they would use their money to avoid getting arrested and going jail. According to The Guardian, the Brazilian jail's population has doubled since the year 2000 due to the drug traffic. Of course, the majority of people who are in jail are from the lower class. Additionally, there is a scene in the film that might have caught many viewers attention. It is when the military killed one of the members in jail. The scene somehow send us a message by saying that it was not a big deal killing one of them since they are â€Å"trouble† anyways. I believe that the movie certainly try to send a message by saying that Brazil needs to start listening to the lower class opinion and do not ignore or kill them without any reasons. The lower class and higher class people in Brazil share something similar and that is: both are humans. â€Å"Human rights† should be more clearly addressed in the country and the â€Å"Rich rights† should be banned. Most of Brazilian literary narratives and movies that we have watched in class, it involves children and adolescents working and not receiving any education. According to SOS Children’s Village, â€Å"Quite frequently, young children have to engage in labour activities in order to put food on the table for an entire family. In the state of Piaui, approximately 26 per cent of children between 10 and 15 years of age are working. † (1) Looking at the Brazilian demographic, Brazil is certainly a very young country with 25 percent of the population being under 15 year old. The country depends on these young populations for the economic and social growth in the future. Yet, looking at the national estimates, about 24,000 children and teenagers call the streets their home. The lower class children definitely have the disadvantage of not getting any education and no hope for a better future. While the higher classes children will still be the ones to succeed in life and dominate the country. If the inequality between the rich and the poor in Brazil does not change, the poor will always remain poor and it is possible that the problem can become more severe in the future. Even though many literary stories and movies composed by Brazilian authors are â€Å"just stories† or â€Å"fantasies†, some of them still try to send an indirect message to the public that â€Å"social class† in Brazil is a problem and it needs to be changed. In addition, the movie, â€Å"Four days in September†, directed by Bruno Barreto, is about a reality that happened in Brazil years ago, involving the MR8 group, who was fighting against the military dictatorship and fighting for human rights. The group was formed by some young members, who were very naive, did not have much experience in life and did not think about future consequences that they could face by being involved† in this type of activity. Thankful to this group formation, Brazil has overcome the military dictatorship. Although, the country has overcome the dictatorship, human rights are still a problem. Showing that you have money is a way to receive respect from people. In the movie, there is a scene where one of the young members of MR8 goes to a bakery to buy bread; however, the baker underestimated him by asking if he had enough money to buy. The way you dress, the way you speak and the amount of money that you hold is the way that people are going to treat you. If you dress badly and is considered part of lower class, your opinion will not even be considered and there is almost zero respect towards you. Therefore, I believe that many people in Brazil are confused between â€Å"human rights† and â€Å"class†. According to the federal government in Brazil, â€Å"The following human rights problems have been reported: unlawful killings, excessive force, beatings, abuse, and torture of detainees. †(1) Most of the times, the people who are suffering under those problems are the innocent lower class population, who is sometimes always blamed for any issue that occur in the country. In, it is correct to assume that â€Å"money† can solve anything. On the other hand, since the lower classes do not have enough money, they get severely punished for their actions or even blamed for things that they have not committed. All in all, even the literary stories and movies are fictional, the Brazilian authors or directors seem to always try to incorporate the fiction with the reality that is faced in Brazilian society. As we could see from the short stories and movies, â€Å"class† is a very big issue and it is confused with â€Å"human rights†. The poor still face several consequences while the higher classes ignore the surrounding by using â€Å"money† to solve most of their problems. Inequality between the lower class and higher class is a big issue in Brazil that has to be solved before getting worse. It is also crucial for the country to understand the difference between â€Å"human rights† and â€Å"class†. I believe that if the poor is listened and given more opportunities in the society, they will also be able to succeed in life. It will not only decrease the poverty in the country, but it will prove to the people that the people from the lower classes also have the potential, but the only thing missing is the opportunity given to them.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gas Injection

In the employment of anoint from sub rear artificial lakes, 65% of the vegetable oil ab initio in place (OIIP), on fairish, is leave in the reservoir aft(prenominal) to a greater extent(prenominal) oil as possible has been find by indispensable depletion and with the aid of wet fill. Residual oil and flatulency ar intensify oil recovery (EOR) methods.EOR techniques atomic number 18 classified into thermal (such(prenominal) as go or hot water shot) techniques and non-thermal techniques (including source water inundate, bodge crack and chemical substance flooding). The former is primarily int curiosityed for lumbering oils, while the latter be usually applied in well-heeled oil reservoirs.There atomic number 18 slightly of the non-thermal enhanced oil recovery methods, such as polymer flooding, alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) and alkaline flooding are much expensive and are in any case subjected to some operational restrictions, such as temperature (res ervoir) and organization permeability.Gas jibe techniques in various(a) forms consisting of hydro degree Celsius splatter shot (including earthy assail, enriched internal petrol and a liquefied vegetable oil slug submitn by natural turgidness) and non-hydro carbon copy attack shot (such as carbon dioxide, northward and flue gas) are astray used to reduces the residual oil saturation.In gas guessing, a compressed gas such as carbon dioxide (carbonic acid gas), natural gas (consisting primarily of methane, CH4), atomic number 7 (N2), or flue gases are injected into the reservoir to tin oil toward the production wells. The injected gas all partially dissolves in the oil (im compatible gas flooding) or mixes completely with it ( mixable flooding), leading chiefly to swelling of the oil, viscosity reduction in the oil material body and also for miscible flooding, get downing of the interfacial tautness (IFT) betwixt the displacing phase and oil . carbon dioxide injec tion is preferred because it applies for two different purposes upward(a) oil recovery and carbon dioxide separatism for diminish the greenhouse gases emissions. S perpetuallyal problems such as corrosion in the production wells or injection and surface facilities as well , CO2 dissolution from the saleable hydrocarbons, large requirement of CO2 per ontogeny in barrel and asphaltene rushing which causes formation damage and wettability alteration come been reported for CO2 injection process. blastoff of N2 or northward-contaminated lean hydrocarbon gases are book EOR processes for deep reservoirs, high public press reservoirs, with light or vaporific oil that are rich in light and also intermediate hydrocarbon components (C2C5) due to their miscible fracture potential. Low cost, abundance and availability of nitrogen are the most reported advantages for nitrogen injection.Nitrogen is produced by cryogenic processes from gentle wind for a long period of time.CO2 (carbon d ioxide) flooding enhances oil recovery by the pastime main weapons (1) oil swelling, (2) reduction of unsanded oil viscosity, and (3) reduction of interfacial tension (IFT), the latter pertains to miscible flooding .The mechanism of swelling of oil by carbon dioxide injection which makes the volume of oil increase would help discontinuous oil droplets detain in a porous mass medium to merge with the flowing oil phase. step-down in the viscosity is anformer(a) force field mechanism which is significant at nonetheless moderate pressures. The come in of solution gas or oil ratio in case of nitrogen injection is lower than that of CO2.The swelling factors of N2 were also lower than those of CO2 due to nitrogen lower solvability in the oil. If the pressure is low (lower than 3 MPa), solubility of nitrogen and flue gas is negligible. The viscosity reduction due to N2 injection is much lower than that of carbon dioxide injection. appendix of N2 to the injection gas implies that some mechanisms other than swelling and viscosity reduction are important.One possibility is the buildup of free gas saturation with the N2 containing injectants that may decreases the relative permeability to water, thereby improving the mobility ratio. Moreover, nitrogen has a high molar volume than CO2 which tells that one mole of nitrogen displaces a higher volume of gas than that of CO2. Therefore, N2 is more favorable in terms of teddy volume. So that our focus in this study is on N2.Literature review on N2 miscibilitynon-miscible gas injection can potentially recover a large amount segment of the remaining oil after primary depletion or water flooding (WF). However, such potential has hardly ever been realized because of the low vertical talent and areal dredge efficiency. Nitrogen injection process is also performed either by miscible or immiscible, depending on the injection pressure of N2, reservoir temperature and reservoir oil composition. Miscibility is theoretical ly defined as the conditions at which there is no interface mingled with the reservoir oil and displacing phase .In other words, it can be enounce that two phases are miscible when a single phase fluid is produced after intermingling of two fluids with each other at any ratio. The lowest operating pressure, at reservoir temperature, at which miscibility is achieved between reservoir fluid and injection gas is termed as the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) . There has been a few correlations in the literature for N2 MMP adhesion producing different average absolute defect values.A study done by Fathinasab, Ayatollahi and Hemmati-Sarapardeh had payoffed in a correlation for MMP which impart be used for pure N2, nitrogen mixtures and lean gases. The developed correlation yields the least(prenominal) error and is a function of average critical temperature of the injection gas, reservoir temperature, C7 + fraction molecular weight of crude oil, volatile components (mole fraction ) and intermediate components (mole fraction) of crude oil.Since N2 is not as good a solvent for oils as carbon dioxide (CO2), or even methane (CH4), the pressure required for nitrogen to become miscible with any oil should be greater than that for methane which, in turn, is higher than CO2 . This oddly makes nitrogen attractive for highly undersaturated reservoirs at immiscible conditions.Literature review on contends in gas flooding and a solutionThe major technical challenge of immiscible gas injection is to aver proper sweep efficiency of the injected gas, remedy gas utilization and delay its breakthrough and through. These result from a combination of gravity countermand and gas channeling through high permeability streaks in the formation. Gas segregation, channeling and fingering through high permeability streaks are natural in any gas injection they are due to the excessively higher mobility and far lower density of gas (displacing phase) compared to oil or water (disp laced phase). inauspicious mobility ratios lead to even more stern channeling in heterogeneous reservoirs and heavier oil reservoirs. Consequently, the drive fluid does not contact a large part of the reservoir and the volumetric sweep efficiency of the reservoir system poor .Furthermore, a displacement is adversely affected by capillary end effects, arising from the discontinuity of capillarity in the wetting phase at the outlet end of the core, that, for the gas/oil system, cannot be overcome by high gas throughput rates. WAG injection is implemented to improve mobility ratio and sweep efficiency.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Only the Strong Survive

Only the Strong Survive

January 17, 2013 Industry Report Shipbuilding (Neutral) Only the strong survive Offshore orders to drive growth The shipbuilding industry is in a situation similar to how that of 2002. In 2013, plunging order volume and weak new building prices are fueling intensifying competition. In 2002, shipbuilding shares rose because of an increase in orders, but then quickly fell on concerns over weak new building prices, which caused earnings to stagnate. For a period in 2002, shipbuilders went into red.Movie interactive video games occasionally can make no sense at all to tell the truth, a section of the company especially TV, and the music empty can be a fairly small portion of the story.Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. Ki-jong Sung +822-768-3263 kijong. [email  protected] com Ryan Kang +822-768-3065 ryan.Youre in need of a leader of culture if youre new beginning an agency.

Although shipbuilding shares currently trade at a P/B of 1. 0x, we believe they have the potential trade at a P/B of 1. 2x.We recommend Hyundai Heavy Industries (009540 KS/Buy/TP: W280,000), and giant Samsung Heavy Industries (010140 KS/Buy/TP: W46,200) out of the large shipbuilders.Respect and seeing possible is.share price of major shipbuilders (R) (1/31/2005=100) 1,000 6,000 800 600 2,000 400 -2,000 200 -6,000 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 13 14 14F 0 Source: KDB Daewoo Securities Research Analysts who prepared this report are registered as research analysts in Korea but not in any other jurisdiction, including the U. S. January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Figure 1. New orders and newbuilding price good for commercial vessels (mnCGT) 100 New orders (L) Newbuilding price (R) 80 180 160 60 140 40 120 20 100 80 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 14F (1988=100) 200 Source: Clarkson, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 2.You should have a feeling of self pride.

We expect demand for LNG free carriers will remain sound, and anticipate orders for mega-containerships will also increase.We expect the latter to be driven by small- and mid-sized shipping companies improving their economic competitiveness through greater efficiency. We also expect shipbuilders will be forced to take new orders at lower-than-normal prices because of the dearth of order backlogs for commercial vessels. We forecast the number of bids and orders for large offshore-plant construction projects to increase for each company in 2013.Let your much joy scream.We believe share prices will improve (despite concerns about lower-priced orders) thanks to increasing orders, and improved cashflow. Share prices for american shipbuilders will be influenced by cashflow.Despite intensifying market competition, we anticipate Hyundai Mipo Dockyard will take an increasing amount of orders, even though some will be lower-priced. 3.Many people think tattoos for men will need to be fero cious and tough.

We expect these trends will continue in 2013. We also anticipate english major Korean shipbuilders will be able to develop new types of vessels boasting improved efficiency, which will strengthen these companiesE competitiveness. Risk factors Earnings at shipbuilders will not recover easily, due to orders at lower-than-normal prices and won appreciation. In order to secure backlogs, hipbuilders free will need to take low price orders.The populaces person needs to get the most positive traits to live in the surroundings.share price of flat major shipbuilders (R) (1/31/2005=100) 1,000 6,000 800 600 2,000 400 -2,000 00 -6,000 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13F 13 14 14F 0 Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities scientific Research Figure 5. Korean and Chinese shipbuildersE restructuring (No. of shipuilders) 200 Korea China 160 197 120 -88. 3% 80 40 24 23 -66.The intention isnt to humiliate or belittle anyone.

In addition, the ROE of shipbuildersE is projected to improve to 19%. And as most new orders are expected in 1H, shares what are likely to show strong performance in the same period. The relative share performance of global shipbuilders has changed. Thanks to the rising proportion of offshore orders, Korean shipbuilders and Hyundai Mipo Dockyard are now grouped together with Keppl Corp.Theres a good deal of variety, to simulate real social life conditions.Although we believe the shares have bottomed, we do not expect a long term recovery until new building prices rebound in earnest. We suggest accumulating the shares near a P/B of 1. 0x. Shipbuilding shares will likely begin to recover full-swing from 2014, when the market starts to turnaround, along with increased orders for commercial vessels, improved cashflow, and earnings recovery.Lots of folks are discussing growth due to 5G, if you have a look at it today, and it truly is early.

0x 30 20 30 1. 0x 10 0 05 07 09 11 13 13F 0 Source: Bloomberg, KDB Daewoo Securities Research human Figure 8. Relative share performances of major shipbuilders (-1Y=100) 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 1/12 2/12 3/12 4/12 5/12 6/12 7/12 8/12 9/12 10/12 11/12 12/12 1/13 HHI DSME HMD Guangzhou new Shipyard Keppel Corp. SHI STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Rongsheng Heavy Sembcorp Marine Source: Bloomberg, KDB Daewoo Securities Research KDB south Daewoo Securities Research 5 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Figure 9.Then will humanity be changed at the Kingdom of Gods region.0x 2. 5x 2. 0x 1. 5x 1.In a different study, male and female students were requested to pick at their partner from a assortment of careers.

0x 4. 0x central Figure 14. Hyundai Mipo DockyardEs P/B trend (Market cap,Wbn) 10,000 2. 5x 8,000 1.They find it extremely hard to forgive an event.5x 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 13F Source: KDB Daewoo Securities ResearchSource: KDB Daewoo Securities Research KDB Daewoo Securities Research 6 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Figure 15. Global new orders by vessel type (mnCGT) 25 LPG carrier LNG carrier Containership 20 Bulker ton Tanker 15 Figure 16. Newbuilding prices by vessel type (US$000/TEU) 30 Containership (L) Tanker (R) Gas carrier (R) Bulker (R) (US$000/DWT) 3 20 2 10 10 5 1 0 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 0 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12F 12 13F 13 0 Source: Clarkson, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Source: Clarkson, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 17. ROE-P/B comparison (P/B ,x) 3.Death is a consequence of sin, and for this reason a corps is viewed as unclean.

0 0 5 10 15 20 HMD S HI 15 Keppel 10 S HI Sumitomo Sembcorp HHI 5 (EPS growth, %) 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Source: Bloomberg, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Source: Bloomberg, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Figure 19. Global shipbuildersE share performances (-1Y=100) 160 HHI Mitsui kyokai SHI Guangzhou HMD Sembcorp CSSC Keppel Figure 20. KOSPI and shipbuilding stock index (index) 8,000 Shipbuilding stock high index KOSPI 140 6,000 120 4,000 100 2,000 80 60 1/12 3/12 5/12 7/12 9/12 11/12 1/13 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Source: Thomson Reuters, KDB Daewoo Securities Research Source: KDB Daewoo Securities Research KDB Daewoo Securities Research 7 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hyundai Heavy Industries (009540 KS) best Buy (Maintain) Target Price (12M, W) 280,000 Share Price (01/16/13, W) 227,500 Expected Return (%) 23. 1 EPS Growth (13F, %) 17.Its never simple to turn down.45 Market black Cap (Wbn) 17,290 Shares Outstanding (mn) 76 Avg Trading Volume (60D, ‘000) 229 Avg T rading Value (60D, Wbn) 51 Dividend Yield (13F, %) 1. Free Float (%) 59. 3 52-Week Low (W) 193,500 52-Week High (W) 346,500 human Beta (12M, Daily Rate of Return) 1. 46 Price Return Volatility (12M Daily, %, SD) 2.The idea of your spouse having sex with a girl deeds that is different might be devastating.

36%) NPS (5. 08%) Price Performance (%) 1M 6M 12M Absolute -1. 7 -3. 8 -20.So, now you are able to observe there is a notion translated in specific contexts.7bn and revenues of W26. 9tr (non-consolidated) in 2013 Implemented a self-rescue plan for the first time in 40 years. Maintain Buy keyword with TP of W280,000Maintain Buy with TP of W280,000 We maintain our Buy call on Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) with a target price of W280,000. HHI displayed weak fair share performance due to poor earnings and orders in 2012.0x, the lowest levels in the companyEs peer group.This tepid performance signals that weak 2012 orders wired and earnings results have been fully reflected. However, HHI has strong investment merits in 2013, as it is projected to win massive orders. Investment english summary 1) The company exhibited poor orders across all business units last year, posting disappointing earnings results.

5bn) and the Brass LNG project (US$3. 5bn) in 1Q. In addition, HHI is expected to bid for additional projects worth US$1-4bn; indeed, we believe the company will be aggressive in its order-taking efforts. 3) Orders unlooked for merchant ships, including mega containerships, LNG carriers, and LNG FSRU, will likely increase markedly in light of their superior competitiveness.Share price 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 1/12 5/12 9/12 1/13 KOSPI Earnings & Valuation Metrics FY 12/10 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F Revenue (Wbn) 37,342 53,712 54,741 58,433 63,025 OP OP Margin (Wbn) (%) 5,532 14. 8 4,536 8. 4 2,485 4. 5 3,331 5.7 7. 6 22,750 3,469 -2,260 10. 2 10. 6 26,750 4,320 2,005 11.5 1. 3 1. 1 1. 0 0.

2 5. 2 Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to net profit attributable to controlling interests Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates korean Daewoo Securities Research 8 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hyundai Heavy Industries (009540 KS/Buy/TP: W280,000) Comprehensive Income Statement (Summarized) Wbn) Revenues Cost of Sales late Gross Profit SG Expenses Operating Profit (Adj) Operating Profit Non-Operating Profit Net Financial Income Net Gain from Inv in Associates Pretax gross Profit Income Tax Profit from Continuing Operations Profit from Discontinued Operations Net Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests Total Comprehensive net Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests EBITDA FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBITDA Margin (%) Operating Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) 12/11 53,712 46,784 6,927 2,392 4,536 4,536 -659 52 -148 3,876 1,133 2,743 0 2,743 2,559 184 2,617 2,498 118 5,473 -504 10. 8. 4 4.4 5. 7 3. 5 12/14F 63,025 56,408 6,618 2,836 3,782 3,782 -338 188 -150 3,444 895 2,549 0 2,549 2,449 100 2,288 2,178 110 4,768 2,297 7. 6 6.5 7. 1 5. 6 6. 8 5.0 0. 9 5. 3 8. 5 6.

1 10. 0 1. 6 0. 0 1.7. 9 -13. 5 -36. 6 24.0 13. 5 -38. 4 -32. 4 17.1 6. 1 9. 3 8. 2 8.

7 5. 8 5. 7 3. 7 4.1 12. 2 17. 3 7. 8 10.0 134. 5 90. 5 110. 6 118.1 22. 7 15. 7 6. 0 7.

1 P/E (13F, x) 9. Market P/E (13F, x) 9. 0 KOSPI 1,977. 45 Market Cap (Wbn) 8,739 Shares Outstanding (mn) 231 Avg Trading Volume (60D, ‘000) 938 Avg Trading little Value (60D, Wbn) 34 Dividend Yield (13F, %) 0.0 Major Shareholder(s) Samsung Electronics et al. (24. 42%) Treasury shares (6. 13%) Mirae Asset Global Investment (5.8 -4. 5 6. 0 Reliable again in 2013 ? ? ? 2013 orders and revenues forecast at US$14. 2bn and W14.We expect SHI to win massive orders of US$14. 2bn despite the slump in the global shipbuilding market, driven by the robust offshore plant market and the companyEs superior competitiveness.SHIEs shares are trading at a 2013F P/E of 9. 4x logical and a P/B of 1.

As such, the company has solid earnings relative to its competitors. 2) SHI is expanding into the subsea business, and we believe that the company good will be able to bolster its competitiveness in the segment rapidly. ) The commercial vessel unit, which exhibited a tepid performance last year, is likely to recover in 2013 thanks to: 1) rising mega containership orders and 2) steady orders for LNG carriers and LNG FSRU. 4) SHI is expected to display the fastest cash flow improvement in its peer group this year, backed by: 1) a rise in orders for chorus both offshore plants and commercial vessels and 2) an increase in heavy-tail payments.7 851 1,226 8. 2 929 1,198 8. 0 934 1,355 8. 6 1,015 EPS EBITDA FCF ROE (Won) (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) 4,330 1,504 598 28.9 P/E (x) 9. 5 7. 6 9. 6 9.5 1. 3 1. 1 EV/EBITDA (x) 8. 2 5.

9 8. 7 6. 4 12/12F 14,875 12,867 2,008 766 1,242 1,226 -30 -34 0 1,196 267 929 0 929 929 0 920 920 0 1,551 282 10. 4 8.2 12/14F 15,751 13,594 2,158 803 1,355 1,355 -19 -51 0 1,336 321 1,015 0 1,015 1,015 0 1,006 1,006 0 1,667 978 10. 6 8. 6 6. 5 Statement of Financial Condition (Summarized) Wbn) Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents AR & Other Receivables Inventories Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets Total other Assets Current Liabilities AP & Other Payables Short-Term Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long-Term Financial Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Controlling Interests Capital live Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Non-Controlling Interests Stockholders Equity 12/11 9,617 806 4,132 540 1,905 6,797 0 5,408 86 16,414 10,539 4,425 3,232 2,883 1,231 1,004 88 11,770 4,644 1,155 423 3,610 0 4,644 12/12F 9,112 1,115 3,793 550 1,711 6,316 5 5,434 38 15,428 7,758 3,882 1,570 2,306 2,213 1,881 138 9,971 5,457 1,155 423 4,430 0 5,457 12/13F 9,229 1,264 3,820 554 1,648 6,372 5 5,506 21 15,601 7,301 3,910 1,070 2,322 1,918 1,481 188 9,219 6,382 1,155 423 5,364 0 6,382 12/14F 9,720 1,445 4,017 583 1,733 6,439 5 5,573 13 16,159 7,223 4,111 670 2,442 1,656 1,081 271 8,878 7,280 1,155 423 6,272 0 7,281 Cash Flows (Summarized) Wbn) Cash Flows from Op Activities Net Profit Non-Cash Income and Expense Depreciation Amortization Others visible Chg in Working Capital Chg in AR & Other Receivables Chg in Inventories Chg in AP & Other Payables Income general Tax Paid Cash Flows from Inv Activities Chg in PP&E Chg in Intangible Assets Chg in Financial Assets several Others Cash Flows from Fin Activities Chg in Financial Liabilities Chg in Equity Dividends Paid Others Increase (Decrease) in Cash Beginning Balance Ending Balance 12/11 1,341 1,150 189 294 78 75 549 1,284 150 164 -548 332 -242 -1 309 265 -1,306 -1,090 1 -108 - 109 359 447 806 12/12F 351 1,131 558 297 11 -268 -1,061 34 39 -541 -276 -274 -368 -1 3 92 240 416 1 -108 -68 309 806 1,115 12/13F 1,376 934 580 299 17 -50 130 -27 -4 27 -268 -310 -370 -1 0 61 -917 -900 0 -108 -17 149 1,115 1,264 12/14F 1,408 1,015 651 302 10 -50 62 -197 -29 201 -321 -307 -370 -1 0 64 -921 -800 0 -108 -13 181 1,264 1,445 Forecasts/Valuations (Summarized)P/E (x) P/CF (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) EPS (W) CFPS (W) BPS (W) DPS (W) Payout ratio (%) Dividend Yield (%) Revenue Growth (%) EBITDA Growth (%) Operating Profit Growth (%) EPS rapid Growth (%) Accounts Receivable Turnover (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Accounts Payable Turnover (x) ROA (%) ROE (%) ROIC (%) Liability to Equity Ratio (%) Current same Ratio (%) Net Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Interest Coverage Ratio (x) 12/11 7.7 1. 8 1. 9 -3. 3 -19.2 4. 8 19. 4 15. 5 253.

6 7. 2 1. 5 6. 1 4,021 5,358 26,307 0 0.7 9. 1 3. 8 27. 3 3.7 117. 5 7. 2 57. 9 12/13F 9.6 0. 0 0. 7 -2. 4 -2.

0 6. 0 15. 8 16. 9 144.6 6. 6 1. 1 4. 5 4,396 5,747 34,309 0 0.0 8. 7 4. 1 27. 7 4.9 134. 6 -22. 5 106. 2 Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates KDB Daewoo Securities Research 11 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding blue Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (010620 KS) Buy (Maintain) Target Price (12M, W) 148,000 Share Price (01/16/13, W) 125,000 Expected Return (%) 18.

0 KOSPI 1,977. 5 Market Cap (Wbn) 2,500 new Shares Outstanding (mn) 20 Avg Trading Volume (60D, ‘000) 121 Avg Trading Value (60D, Wbn) 14 Dividend Yield (13F, %) 1. 6 Free Float (%) 51. 6 52-Week new Low (W) 102,500 52-Week High (W) 167,000 Beta (12M, Daily Rate of Return) 1.4%) NPS (7. 38%) Price Performance (%) Absolute Relative Shining in the dark ? ? ? 2013 target: US$3. 2bn in orders and W3. 6tr in revenues Stands to benefit most from industry restructuring Maintain Buy and TP of W148,000 Maintain Buy and TP of W148,000We maintain our Buy recommendation on Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD) and our target price of W148,000.4tr; 8. 0% of outstanding shares), we believe deeds that the companiesE shares are currently undervalued (trading at a 2013F P/E of 13. 1x and a P/B of 0. 9x).3) In the small- to mid-sized merchant ship market, the product carrier (P/C) segment, in which HMD has the strongest competitive edge, is expected to be relatively robust in 2013. ) If the shipbuil ding market remains in a slump for a protracted period of time, HMD should be able to widen its gap with its peers. The company stands to benefit most from a second industry cognitive restructuring that is expected to end sometime in 2014. 1M 2.

6 5. 3 Share price 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 1/12 5/12 9/12 1/13 KOSPI Earnings & high Valuation Metrics FY 12/10 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F Revenue OP OP Margin NP EPS EBITDA FCF ROE P/E (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) (Wbn) (Won) (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) (x) 4,138 683 16. 5 493 24,629 741 431 14. 7 9.9 131 6,556 192 -563 4. 3 19. 4 4,624 191 4. 1 190 9,518 256 397 6.6 P/B EV/EBITDA (x) (x) 1. 2 4. 4 0. 8 4.6 0. 8 6. 0 Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to neural net profit attributable to controlling interests Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates Daewoo Securities Research 12 January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (010620 KS/Buy/TP: W148,000) Comprehensive Income Statement (Summarized) (Wbn) Revenues Cost of Sales Gross Profit SG medical Expenses Operating Profit (Adj) Operating Profit Non-Operating Profit Net Financial Income Net Gain from Inv in Associates Pretax Profit Income Tax net Profit from ContinuingOperations Profit from Discontinued Operations Net Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests Total Comprehensive Profit Controlling Interests Non-Controlling Interests positive EBITDA FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBITDA Margin (%) Operating Profit Margin (%) Net Profit Margin (%) 12/11 4,624 3,975 649 272 378 378 -63 -24 0 315 112 202 0 202 200 3 -821 -823 2 441 -633 9. 5 8.

0 12/13F 4,624 4,143 481 290 191 191 52 -9 -2 243 58 185 0 185 190 -5 185 194 -9 256 397 5. 5 4. 1 4. 1 12/14F 4,855 4,321 534 304 230 230 73 -10 -2 303 73 230 0 230 235 -5 230 239 -9 293 416 6.4 13. 1 10. 6 8. 5 12.0 0. 9 0. 8 4. 2 13.9 20. 6 16. 6 1. 8 1.

8 5. 0 5. 0 -40. 5 -56.8 52. 2 20. 3 -59. 4 -34.2 3. 9 5. 0 18. 1 17.2 3. 8 3. 8 2. 3 1.

3 6. 4 7. 4 53. 8 8.8 162. 5 146. 2 105. 6 111.9 -16. 9 -27. 9 689. 5 45.1 P/E (13F, x) Market P/E (13F, x) 9. 0 KOSPI 1,977. 45 Market Cap (Wbn) 483 Shares Outstanding (mn) 48 Avg Trading Volume (60D, ‘000) 310 Avg Trading Value (60D, Wbn) 4 Dividend Yield (13F, %) 0. 0 Free Float (%) 62.

38%) KB Asset Management (5. 13%) Price Performance (%) 1M Absolute -23. 4 Relative -22. 5 Unlikely to weather domestic market slump ? ? ? Earnings unlikely to recover due to shipbuilding market slump and protracted strike Cash flow to deteriorate due to excessive national debt and weak orders Downgrade to Hold Downgrade to Hold We lower our rating on Hanjin Heavy I (HHIC) to strong Hold from Trading Buy.Indeed, efforts to dispose of property amid a lackluster real estate market should meet with difficulty, and continued net large losses and excessive interest expenses should leave cash flow from operations uncertain. Risks ) The commercial vessel unit at the Youngdo shipyard is unlikely to recover. The great slump in the global commercial vessel market is leading to a fall in orders, while intensifying competition among shipbuilders are prompting shipowners to demand discounts on ship prices. .Indeed, the company needs more capital to engage in the development project near the Incheon port. example Given that the project is not progressing rapidly, uncertainties over the companyEs cash flow will likely persist in the long term. 5) HHIC holds massive debt (W2. 8tr).9 -54. 3 fair Share price 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 1/12 5/12 9/12 1/13 KOSPI Earnings & Valuation MetricsFY 12/10 12/11 12/12F 12/13F 12/14F Revenue OP OP anterior Margin NP (Wbn) (Wbn) (%) (Wbn) 3,168 120 3. 8 -72 2,892 108 3. 7 -97 2,547 63 2.

1 -2,123 148 243 -5. 7 -158 195 182 -0. 6 -466 184 146 -1. 8 P/E (x) P/B (x) 1.4 EV/EBITDA (x) 14. 5 19. 9 24. 0 16.4 12/12F 2,547 2,310 237 186 51 63 -187 174 -10 -124 -22 -103 0 -103 -103 0 -127 -127 0 148 243 5. 8 2. 5 -4. 0 12/13F 2,795 2,516 280 204 76 76 -89 159 -5 -13 -3 -11 0 -11 -10 0 -35 -34 0 195 182 7.7 -1. 1 Statement of Financial Condition (Summarized) Wbn) Current Assets Cash and Cash modern Equivalents AR & Other Receivables Inventories Other Current Assets Non-Current Assets Investments in Associates Property, Plant and Equipment Intangible Assets national Total Assets Current Liabilities AP & Other Payables Short-Term Financial Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Long-Term Financial Liabilities Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Controlling Interests human Capital Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Non-Controlling Interests Stockholders Equity 12/11 2,392 854 917 361 237 4,645 66 3,144 89 7,037 2,483 811 1,603 69 2,6 87 2,317 329 5,170 1,864 241 644 814 2 1,867 12/12F 2,058 686 868 280 209 4,535 81 2,980 89 6,592 2,286 802 1,421 63 2,566 2,177 336 4,852 1,738 241 644 712 2 1,740 12/13F 2,077 617 925 294 228 4,487 76 2,871 89 6,564 2,384 895 1,421 69 2,369 1,977 338 4,753 1,809 346 644 701 2 1,810 12/14F 2,025 422 1,016 322 250 4,412 76 2,780 89 6,437 2,479 983 1,421 76 2,204 1,777 373 4,683 1,752 346 644 669 2 1,754 Cash Flows (Summarized) Wbn) Cash Flows extract from Op Activities Net Profit Non-Cash Income and Expense Depreciation Amortization Others Chg in Working Capital Chg in AR & Other Receivables Chg in Inventories Chg in AP & Other Payables Income Tax Paid Cash Flows from Inv economic Activities Chg in PP&E Chg in Intangible Assets Chg in Financial Assets Others Cash Flows from Fin other Activities Chg in Financial Liabilities Chg in Equity Dividends Paid Others Increase (Decrease) in Cash Beginning Balance Ending proper Balance 12/11 -228 -97 246 113 0 44 -379 -192 -42 -150 2 68 -15 0 -43 126 -106 91 1 0 -198 -262 1,116 854 12/12F 316 -103 265 97 0 16 131 23 77 33 22 9 -21 0 -14 44 -488 -297 0 0 -192 -168 854 686 12/13F 194 -11 206 120 0 25 -4 -57 -13 92 3 11 -10 0 0 21 -275 -200 105 0 -180 -70 686 617 12/14F 165 -33 216 101 0 25 -28 -91 -29 88 9 10 -10 0 0 20 -370 -200 0 0 -170 -194 617 422 Forecasts/Valuations (Summarized)P/E (x) P/CF (x) P/B (x) EV/EBITDA (x) visual EPS (W) CFPS (W) BPS (W) DPS (W) Payout ratio (%) Dividend Yield (%) Revenue Growth (%) EBITDA Growth (%) Operating Profit Growth (%) EPS Growth (%) national Accounts Receivable Turnover (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Accounts Payable Turnover (x) ROA (%) ROE (%) ROIC (%) Liability to Equity Ratio (%) Current Ratio (%) neural Net Debt to Equity Ratio (%) Interest Coverage Ratio (x) 12/11 57. 4 0. 5 19.

9 -9. 8 RR 3. 3 8. 9 3.9 96. 3 163. 0 0. 5 12/12F -112.0 -11. 9 -25. 9 -41. 8 RR 3.7 1. 4 278. 9 90. 0 166.

9 -158 1,691 24,843 0 0. 0 0. 0 9. 8 31.1 -0. 2 -0. 6 2. 1 262.1 0. 4 18. 0 -466 989 24,030 0 0. 0 0.6 10. 0 4. 0 -0. 5 -1.

4 0. 5 Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates KDB Daewoo Securities Research 15January 17, 2013 Shipbuilding Important Disclosures & Disclaimers Disclosures As of the publication date, Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. has acted as a liquidity provider for equity-linked warrants backed by shares of Hyundai Heavy Industries logical and Samsung Heavy Industries as an underlying asset, and other than this, Daewoo Securities has no other special interests in the covered companies., Ltd. issued equity-linked warrants with Hyundai Heavy Industries and Samsung Heavy Industries as an underlying asset, and other than this, korean Daewoo Securities has no other special interests in the covered companies. Stock Ratings Buy Trading Buy Hold Sell Relative first performance of 20% or greater Relative performance of 10% or greater, but with volatility Relative performance of -10% and 10% Relative performance of -10% heavy Industry Ratings Overweight Neutral Underweight Fund amentals are favorable or improving Fundamentals are steady without any material changes Fundamentals are unfavorable or worsening higher Ratings and Target Price History (Share price (—-), Target price (—-), Not covered ( ¦), Buy (^), Trading Buy ( ¦), Hold (? ), Sell (? )) * Our direct investment rating is a guide to the relative return of the stock versus the market over the next 12 months. * Although it is not part of the official higher ratings at Daewoo Securities, we may call a trading opportunity in case there is a technical or short-term material development.Opinions expressed in this recent publication about the subject securities and companies accurately reflect the personal views of the Analysts primarily responsible for this report. Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. public policy prohibits its Analysts and members of their households from owning securities of any company in the AnalystEs area of coverage, and the financial Analysts do not serve as an office r, director or advisory board member of the subject companies.except as otherwise stated herein. Disclaimers This report is published by Daewoo Securities Co. , Ltd. („Daewoo†°), a broker-dealer registered in the Republic of Korea and a member of the Korea Exchange.

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